

Edelsegger Metals GmbH
Am Gries 5
3341 Ybbsitz

Companies register number: FN 532222 f
Companies register court: St. Pölten
UID Nr:  ATU75482639

Member of the WKÖ, WKNÖ, state guild of metal technicians, federal guild of metal technicians
Company purpose: sheet metal processing, steel construction, mechanical processing, assembly
Occupation: Metal technology for metal and mechanical engineering

Trade regulations, applicable legal provisions:
Supervisory authority: District administration Amstetten

Information obligation according to ECG and media law: Link to of WKO

Consumers have the opportunity to submit complaints to the EU's online dispute resolution platform: Sie können allfällige Beschwerde auch an die oben angegebene E-Mail-Adresse richten.

Geschäftsführer: Edelsegger Paul, Struska Nino
Gesellschaftsanteile: Edelsegger Paul (18,50%), Struska Nino (18,50%), Edelsegger Andreas (26,00%), Edelsegger Maria (18,50%), Struska Julia (18,50%)

Concept, design and implementation by FALKEmedia // 2020



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